Shay Mitchell on ‘Shaycations’ and Life After ‘Pretty Little Liars’


Actress and ‘Pretty Little Liars’ starlet Shay Mitchell has plenty to celebrate these days. As the leading lady on the popular teen drama, I can’t seem to go anywhere in New York without overhearing a 17 or 30 year old gush about last weeks episode of PLL. The drama filled mystery displayed through her character Emily, Shay has won over millions of teens and young adults making her just as influential on and off the screen.  With 17 million Instagram followers,  Shay also captivates her fans through her  YouTube channel to letting them into her world of fashion, beauty, fitness and health and most important ‘Shaycation’ where she documents her world travels to make you feel the experience right along with her. With one of the hottest shows of the summer officially at an end, I had the opportunity to get candid with Shay on her favorite travel destinations , YouTube channel and how she plans to spend time with herself post her days on ‘Pretty Little Liars’.


Q: As an actress, I know it can be difficult for your fans to separate you from your character Emily on PLL. Are there any similarities between you and your alter ego?

A: There are definitely similarities, as I think there would be for anyone who is playing a character for years and years. While Emily and I definitely have a different sense of fashion, we are both very loyal, caring, and loving friends.

Q: How was it transitioning with your character as well as a woman over the duration of 7 seasons of the show?

A: I really loved the way the writers wrote Emily’s evolution from confused high school girl to a proud woman who really loves who she is and that was amazing to play (and watch).

Q: What are you going to miss the most about working with the cast and crew of Pretty Little Liars?

A: That cast and crew are my family. I’ve spent more time with them the past 7 years than I have with my own family! I will miss Emily and Rosewood of course, but I will miss the moments in between takes when we were all deliriously tired giggling and getting yelled at most of all 😉

Q:  What are you looking forward to now that the series has ended? Any hobbies or new projects you plan to explore?

A: Travel! I want to keep traveling and exploring while I have the time off. And I have really wanted to finally put my Rosetta Stone to use to learn Spanish! That is a major goal of mine.

Q:  As a Filipina woman , how important is it to see women of color portrayed in television and film?

A: I think having someone to relate to in TV and Movies is important for anyone, especially impressionable youth!

Q:  In a time where  issues of equal rights and feminism are at an all time high, what changes do you hope to see for women within the next 5 years?

A: I just hope that we keep moving forward, speaking up, and making strides towards equality.

Q: If you could change one thing about how Pretty Little Liars ended what would you change and why?

A: I absolutely loved the way it ended. Loved it. If there was something I could have added it would have been a sweet goodbye scene with Mama Fields. I love that relationship and it was so special to me throughout the years.

Q:  Favorite travel destination?

A: Italy! Morocco! I can’t choose! 😉

Q:  What shows are you currently binge watching?

A: Currently binging Handmaid’s Tale and any and all documentaries on Netflix!

Q: What inspired your YouTube channel?

A: I just wanted a place to be able to share what I was doing with everyone. Trips, workouts, recipes, experiences…I wanted to be able to share all of it.

Q: Summer playlist?

A: 90’s R&B all the way !

Q: Favorite Summer trend?

A: Short overalls!

Q: Advice to 18 year old Shay?

A: Let the people who don’t believe in you fuel your fire to keep pushing towards your dreams. You’re going to get there.

Q: Best part about your job?

A: I love being able to transform into different characters with different personalities. And the fans, of course. They are incredible and always so sweet and inspiring.


Be sure to follow Shay Mitchell’s YouTube Channel @ShayMitchell for her latest ‘ Shaycation’ series!





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